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Topic subjectIt's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
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218461, It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
Posted by Justin87, Thu Dec-16-21 12:44 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm not sure if some of you remember me. I used to go by the name "CoolKid" on this forum. I just thought of dropping by after I saw the PCQ&A icon on my bookmarks bar. It has never left that bar since I joined exactly 20 years ago.

I'm happy to see that the page interface hasn't changed at all. I feel like I'm in the early 21st century again haha. However, I am unable to view my previous posts and I keep getting an HTTP Error 500 for some reason. By reading the titles of my posts, I just realized how much of a "nerd" I was in the early 2000s, and some were just plain childish haha.

On another note, I am saddened to realize that Shelly had already passed on two years ago. He was like a father figure to me here.

Anyway, I'm glad to be back and to see those ancient emoji again. Cheers!
