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Topic subjectGifts From Alaska
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218504, Gifts From Alaska
Posted by Daylilydayzed, Sat Nov-19-22 07:23 AM
While youngest son and daughter-in-law were in Alaska they picked up some things for the boys and surprised me with 2 T shirts, a canvas bag with graphics on it that don't show up much indoors but out in sunlight they really pop out, and finally my son handed me a small red box with a snap fastener on it. I opened the box to find an opal (larger than my thumbnail)in a sterling silver geometric setting on a thin rope like cord of silver necklace. I was shocked when I saw it. I know my son had a hand in picking it out because he knows that opal is my birthstone.
We will be going back up to Virginia in Dec to be with th boys while they are out of school on Christmas break.