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Subject: "I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread" 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Previous topic | Next topic
collegeguySun Mar-29-20 12:41 PM
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"I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread"


Saw a couple folks posted yesterday which confirmed this place is still functioning! With world events unfolding as they are, be great to hear from anyone that still comes by the forum from time-to-time. Just a quick update to say how you are doing.

Don't just read, hit that reply button and say "hey!"


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KJTMon Mar-23-20 04:24 AM
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#1. "RE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread"
In response to collegeguy (Reply # 0)



HEY, y'all. Nowadays we almost get more spam than we do computer questions. So - HEY!!!



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JaneTue Mar-24-20 06:59 PM
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#2. "RE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread"
In response to KJT (Reply # 1)



Hey Collegeguy , Hey Jim good to see you . I drop in every day .After news is a good news )))



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TtechWed Mar-25-20 12:16 AM
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#3. "RE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread"
In response to collegeguy (Reply # 0)



I'm still here. Not logging in every day, but I do check for new activity and respond to the spam alerts that arrive. Hope everyone stays healthy.

Behind every good computer... is a jumble of wires 'n stuff.


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dtellierWed Mar-25-20 12:27 AM
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#4. "RE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread"
In response to collegeguy (Reply # 0)



Still logging in every day. It's a litte depressing to see the dearth of posts, but I still look for any new posts.

With Grogan leaving, and the demise of Shelly, it's not what it used to be, but still a great place to drop in.



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Red SquirrelWed Mar-25-20 10:39 PM
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#5. "RE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread"
In response to collegeguy (Reply # 0)


I check in once in a while. Surviving 2020 so far. I'm more germaphobic now and stopped taking toilet paper for granted.

There's a chance I get to work from home soon but not sure yet. Other than work been avoiding going out. 4 cases of covid-19 in my city so far.


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randybedoreThu Mar-26-20 12:05 AM
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#6. "RE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread"
In response to collegeguy (Reply # 0)


I guess as windows and pc hardware get better, and with helpful videos, there are fewer questions that send us here. But when I DO have a question I am still sure someone more knowledgeable than I will respond. Its not just about the online friendships but about the years of experience here. I know the queries and responses are fewer, but can anyone tell me about the number of reads? Also, doesn't Jason live in NYC? Still doing well in quarantine. Fran and Randy. Fran, who couldn't live without you folks!


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TtechThu Mar-26-20 01:25 PM
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#7. "RE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread"
In response to randybedore (Reply # 6)



Jason lived in upstate New York.

Behind every good computer... is a jumble of wires 'n stuff.


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Bob GFri Mar-27-20 04:44 AM
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#8. "RE: I Am Surviving 2020 So Far - Check-in Thread"
In response to collegeguy (Reply # 0)



I actually checked in to see if anyone had done a check-in thread. I get scared going out for food. Going grocery shopping is like riding a bike, drunk, in Hong Kong traffic. Just to many ways to get nailed with some of the dummies around here.


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EmmaJackson2711Fri Mar-27-20 08:29 AM
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#9. "Best Assignment Help Online"
In response to collegeguy (Reply # 0)
Fri Mar-27-20 01:57 PM by Ttech


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travels2nepal01Fri Mar-27-20 10:25 AM
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#10. "Which Is The Pleasing & Comforting Time To Visit Nepal?"
In response to EmmaJackson2711 (Reply # 9)
Fri Mar-27-20 01:58 PM by Ttech


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