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Subject: "New Phone" Previous topic | Next topic
DaylilydayzedWed Aug-18-21 05:17 AM
Member since Oct 30th 2002
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"New Phone"



Last week my old phone got suspend by AT&T because it was a 3G phone. Phone will not charge or display the items on my home screen in fact nothings shows on it. So we went to the local AT&T store and I was looking at android phones but could not make up my mind on one. Salesman says I have a phone over her you might like. It was an I phone SE only pay taxes on it and take home. So I got the I phone. It is taking alitlle getting used to.
Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, new one every day.


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Replies to this topic

nightlyreaderWed Aug-18-21 06:26 AM
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#1. "RE: New Phone"
In response to Daylilydayzed (Reply # 0)


I finally bought a new Iphone 13 Mini this spring, which replaced my ancient Iphone 4, because of 3G from AT&T going away. Kind of glad I was forced into changing because of all the improvements.

Nightly Reader


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randybedoreThu Aug-26-21 01:53 AM
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#2. "RE: New Phone"
In response to Daylilydayzed (Reply # 0)


So did you stick with ATT as a carrier? (regardless of the brand of the phone)


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DaylilydayzedThu Aug-26-21 04:33 AM
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#3. "RE: New Phone"
In response to randybedore (Reply # 2)



Yes we stayed with AT&T,we are on our youngest son's plan since husband and I are both retireed and on fixed budget.
Daylilies are the Lord's smiles, new one every day.


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