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Subject: "It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!" Previous topic | Next topic
Justin87Thu Dec-16-21 01:44 PM
Member since Jan 05th 2013
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"It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"


Hi everyone!

I'm not sure if some of you remember me. I used to go by the name "CoolKid" on this forum. I just thought of dropping by after I saw the PCQ&A icon on my bookmarks bar. It has never left that bar since I joined exactly 20 years ago.

I'm happy to see that the page interface hasn't changed at all. I feel like I'm in the early 21st century again haha. However, I am unable to view my previous posts and I keep getting an HTTP Error 500 for some reason. By reading the titles of my posts, I just realized how much of a "nerd" I was in the early 2000s, and some were just plain childish haha.

On another note, I am saddened to realize that Shelly had already passed on two years ago. He was like a father figure to me here.

Anyway, I'm glad to be back and to see those ancient emoji again. Cheers!



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Replies to this topic
Subject Author Message Date ID
RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
Apr 07th 2021
RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
May 27th 2021
RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
May 05th 2021
RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
Jun 15th 2021
Jul 13th 2021
Aug 07th 2021
RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
Aug 26th 2021
RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
Aug 26th 2021
RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
Aug 30th 2021
RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
Dec 15th 2021
RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
Dec 15th 2021
      RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!
Dec 15th 2021

Red SquirrelWed Apr-07-21 02:38 AM
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#1. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to Justin87 (Reply # 0)
Wed Apr-07-21 02:39 AM by Red Squirrel


Same here, probably around 20 years myself, pretty crazy how time flies. I originally joined when it was PC911. I was a kid/teenager and let's just say I did not get along with some people here as we sometimes had disagreements and I'd take criticism a little too hard, but I've long put that behind me, and I sometimes check this place and feel nostalgic honestly. Sad to see it mostly died down and also sad to see all the members that have passed over the years.

I would have been like maybe 12-13ish when I joined. And now I'm 34. Where has time gone.

(this is actually a different account than I had back then, I got banned - and deserved it, back in the day lol)


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dedipathserv1Thu May-27-21 06:44 PM
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#3. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to Red Squirrel (Reply # 1)
Thu May-27-21 10:47 PM by Ttech


Spam, spam, spam. Removed by moderator.


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jasonlevineWed May-05-21 02:24 AM
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#2. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to Justin87 (Reply # 0)
Wed May-05-21 02:25 AM by jasonlevine




Good to see you. Unfortunately, I'm aware of the HTTP 500 error messages. I'm looking into a new forum script. This one's nice and all, but it's definitely showing its age.

Hopefully, I'll have time to work on it soon. Between a big system lanuch at my day job and my oldest son getting ready to go to college in a few months, things are hectic here.

- Jason Levine
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Darron08Tue Jun-15-21 06:07 PM
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#4. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to jasonlevine (Reply # 2)


Thanks, for the helpful post.


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KristyknightTue Jul-13-21 06:21 AM
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#5. "SPAM"
In response to Justin87 (Reply # 0)
Tue Jul-13-21 01:30 PM by Ttech


Kristyknight is a spammer!!!


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smithdaisy443Sat Aug-07-21 10:22 AM
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#7. "RE: SPAM"
In response to Kristyknight (Reply # 5)
Sat Aug-07-21 01:49 PM by Ttech


Spammer responding to a spammer. Sigh...


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randybedoreThu Aug-26-21 01:50 AM
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#8. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to Justin87 (Reply # 0)


YES to all. With the help of the folks on this forum I learned how to build and diagnose my own pc's. That, 15 years later, gave me the confidence to figure out who to buy my pc's from. My supplies of test and extra parts went bye-bye. Yet, I am confident I can asked any question here and get a helpful response.


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dtellierThu Aug-26-21 09:21 PM
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#9. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to randybedore (Reply # 8)
Thu Aug-26-21 09:21 PM by dtellier





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ChariMon Aug-30-21 03:05 PM
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#10. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to Justin87 (Reply # 0)
Mon Aug-30-21 03:20 PM by Chari



I also log in intermittently but not regularly after returning to India but am happy to see that the site is up and helping people. I learned a lot here especially from Shelly and felt sad when I noticed his obituary. I think I also must be touching 20 years of joining this forum. All the best to the forum
Thanks to SteveYandl who use to help me with Excel Queries.Other Great Contributors Ttech, Grogan, Paul, and Jason - Thanks to them too
Happy to see my younger photo in the collage link


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ylen13Wed Dec-15-21 01:38 AM
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#11. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to Justin87 (Reply # 0)


Not sure when i joined but it been a long time.


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KJTWed Dec-15-21 02:10 AM
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#12. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to ylen13 (Reply # 11)



Under your name on your post it indicates that you have been a "Member since Jun 13th 2002".

That means in 6 months you will have been a member for 20 years.



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ylen13Wed Dec-15-21 02:30 AM
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#13. "RE: It's been 20 years since I became a PCQ&A Member!"
In response to KJT (Reply # 12)


It's crazy that i been here for 19.5 years. I never thought this board would even be around for that long.


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